Breaking down in any vehicle can be scary enough, without the added stress of having your horse on board. Regardless of the cause of your breakdown, you need expert and responsive help to get you, your horse, and your vehicle moved to safety as soon as possible. This is why we’ve chosen to partner with ARAG and Call Assist for our Horsebox insurance and Horse Trailer insurance Breakdown Cover.

As horse owners and riders ourselves, we know that our number one priority is our horses, and the Breakdown Cover we provide reflects this. Call Assist, who handle all of the breakdown claims (for policies taken out from 1st April 2023)*, have a specially trained equine welfare support team who put in a call to ensure the horses are ok as soon as it has been disclosed that there is a horse on board.

*If your policy renewed, or was taken out before April 2023, your cover will be with RAC.

What else is included?

  • Roadside Assistance – to try and repair the vehicle or recover the vehicle to a local garage for repairs
  • Home Assist – Assistance at, or within 1 mile radius of your home/yard address (whichever is listed on the policy)
  • Nationwide Recovery – if the vehicle cannot be repaired at the scene, or locally within the same day, recovery to any destination of the customer’s choice in the UK can be provided
  • Equine Welfare Call – you’ll receive a call from a dedicated team to ensure your horses are ok and assist with any welfare or recovery concerns you may have

Why trust our Horsebox & Horse Trailer Breakdown Insurance?

  • Dedicated network of mechanics, specifically for horseboxes and trailers
  • Trained equine team at Call Assist
  • Understanding approach geared around the welfare of you and your horse(s)
  • Specialist recovery vehicles and equipment
  • Nationwide coverage

SEIB’s Horsebox and Horse Trailer Breakdown Cover can only be purchased with a SEIB Horsebox or Horse Trailer insurance policy. For a quote, please visit our Horsebox Insurance or Horse Trailer Insurance page.

Horsebox & Horse Trailer Breakdown Insurance FAQs

How much does Horsebox and Horse Trailer Breakdown Cover cost?

Getting Horsebox and Horse Trailer Breakdown cover might cost less than you think. With SEIB, you can have peace of mind for less than £14 per month for Horsebox Breakdown Cover and £8 per month for Horse Trailer.

Will my horse be transported to safety?

Where roadside repair is not possible, vehicle recovery and onward transport to a nearby safe location for the driver, passengers and horses is included. If the repair cannot be carried out the same day, your horse will be transported to a destination of your choice, such as back to your livery yard.

What type of horse transporter will I get if I break down?

If you do break down and require a recovery vehicle you will receive a call to assess what suitable transport is required. The equine welfare support team will ask all relevant questions to make sure the welfare of your horse is prioritised and can even bring hay and water if necessary. 

After assessing your needs, your recovery transport type will be selected and provided where available, this includes stallion partitions, herringbone, rear facing and front facing. 

Will I be covered if I've forgotten my horse's passport?

All horse owners should carry their horse’s passport when transporting in the UK and abroad. In order to be covered, your horse must have a valid passport, and this should be with you, however a degree of flexibility will be shown if the passport isn’t currently with you, on the basis that you provide evidence of the passport as soon as possible following recovery. Failing to do this will result in you having to cover the cost of the recovery.

What happens if my horse is stressing out?

Call Assist, who handle all of our Horsebox and Horse Trailer Breakdown claims have a specialist team dedicated entirely to equine welfare during a breakdown. As soon as they have identified that a horse is onboard, they will arrange a call to assess the situation from an equine welfare perspective. Following this call, suitable arrangements will be made.

What number do I call if I breakdown?

If your SEIB Horsebox or Horse Trailer Breakdown Policy starts or renews from or after 1st April 2023, you will be insured with ARAG and should call 0330 175 7950.

If your SEIB Horsebox or Horse Trailer Breakdown Policy started or renewed before April 2023 you will be insured with the RAC and should call 0330 1598 796.

What steps can I take to prevent breakdowns?

It’s impossible to prevent all breakdowns, but keeping your horseboxes, trailers and towing vehicles in a good state of repair can help to prevent a number of issues. Monitoring things like the tyres, oil levels and bodywork can help to keep you in good stead. For more information on preparing for travel and long-term care of your vehicle, you can download our handy guide here.