With heavy rain and flood risks issued across the UK, it's vital for funeral directors to take precautionary measures to protect their premises, staff, and services from disruption. Floods can cause significant damage, not only to property but also to vehicles, equipment, and sensitive documentation crucial to the smooth operation of your business.

Here are some essential steps to prepare your funeral business for potential flooding:

Review your insurance cover

Ensure your Funeral Directors Insurance policy adequately covers flood damage. This includes damage to buildings, vehicles, specialist equipment, as well as loss of revenue due to any disruption in services. Contact us, or your insurance provider if you're unsure of the cover details.

Safeguard essential documents and equipment

Protect vital documents, including client records and legal paperwork, by moving them to higher ground or storing them digitally using secure, cloud-based solutions. Ensure that valuable equipment, such as embalming tools and mortuary refrigeration units, are safe from potential water damage. Relocate any portable equipment to a safe location above flood risk areas.

Check flood barriers and drains

If your funeral home is located in a flood-prone area, consider installing temporary flood barriers or sandbags around doors and other vulnerable entry points. Regularly inspect and clear external drains, gutters, and downspouts to ensure water can flow away from your property efficiently, reducing the risk of localised flooding.

Develop a continuity plan

Ensure you have a business continuity plan in place in case of flooding. This plan should include alternative arrangements for funeral services, communication strategies for informing clients of any disruptions, and a list of alternative locations or partnerships with nearby funeral homes to manage ongoing services.

Protect your fleet

Funeral vehicles, including hearses and limousines, are critical to your service. Park vehicles in elevated or protected areas if flooding is expected, and avoid driving through flooded roads, as water can cause severe damage to engines and electrical systems.

Communicate with clients

In the event of a flood or service disruption, communicate clearly and promptly with clients and families. Ensure that your staff are prepared to handle enquiries and provide updates on services that may be affected by flooding. Compassionate communication is key in maintaining trustyou’re your reputation during challenging times.

Staff safety and preparedness

Your team should be informed and ready for any potential flooding. Make sure they know the emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and how to shut off utilities if necessary. Additionally, ensure they have access to protective gear and understand the risks of navigating floodwaters.

By taking these proactive steps, funeral directors can reduce the impact of flooding and continue to provide a vital service to families during difficult times. Being prepared not only protects your business but also ensures the continuity of care for your clients.

About SEIB

SEIB have been providing Funeral Director Insurance and Funeral Car Insurance for over 40 years. For more information on this, or for a quote, please call 01708 850000 or email info@seib.co.uk.